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New gesture: Ctrl + double-click on existing cluster wire should insert Bundle By Name node

Status: New

Currently the fastest way to insert a Bundle By Name node into an existing cluster wire is to use the QuickDrop Ctrl + I shortcut.


Holding down a modifier key (Ctrl, Alt, Shift, or a combination of these) while double-clicking on an existing cluster wire would be even quicker.













  • Inserting BBN nodes is a common, repetitive action when working with clusters. For example, when working inside the Message Handling Loop of a DQMH module.
  • The gesture should work for class wires too, but only if access scope rules allow it.
  • This idea is very much related to the "New gesture to create Unbundle By Name node (Ctrl + double-click when creating a cluster wire branch...". The difference is that this idea addresses inserting BBN nodes into existing wires. That idea addresses more easily terminating a new wire branch with a UBN or BBN node.



I can't tell you how annoying it is that this task of unbundling a cluster/class wire and bundling and then reconnecting the wire to the output is. It is done hundreds of times every single day, no quick drop/insert is not fast enough at all, it's an improvement but it still requires moving your typing hand around and stretching for ctrl-i (and it's simply not as "instant" as things should be on modern computers). 

This task is so repetitive. And think about it, with the addition of LVOOP this is done in the vast majority of VIs , and these VIs are typically generated with the class wire already running through it. The re-bundling is the most annoying. I typically do ctrl-space, move left hand from resting spot to peck out b-b-n (I leave QD shortcuts default so they're the same on all machines), and generally I skip the ctrl-i as I have not been happy with some results with it and it requires another full reposition of my hand, then click to drop the BBN, wire class/cluster to the input, wire output back up to the main class wire which totally borks the wire because it's now a cycle (and you better have turned off that incomprehensible option to auto insert feedback nodes into cycles), delete the small segment to break the cycle wire, neaten up the input and output wires to the BBN so that they're vertical with no bends, select the cluster element I want to bundle, then realize the size of the selected element's name has just borked the wire tidying up that I just did, so retidy wire again.


I am hesitant to ask for a simple right click menu option to insert BBN because the context menu isn't exactly responsive all the time, who hasn't had to wait a dumbfounding amount of time for the context menu to appear every now and again? 

Some simple click + key modifier , as suggested would feel life changing given how prevalent it is to be doing this in LabVIEW. The biggest issue with graphical programming is the speed of development, so much time is wasted tidying code/wires (I'm hardly ever happy with ctrl-u results) or inserting BBNs. Please, we need this NI.

Active Participant

"and you better have turned off that incomprehensible option to auto insert feedback nodes into cycles" - Fully agree. I too always disable the Auto-insert Feedback Node in cycles option.


The quickest way to disable this option on a new machine is to copy the following line into the LabVIEW.ini file: autoInsertFeedbackNode=False

Knight of NI

>The quickest way to disable this option on a new machine is to copy the following line into the LabVIEW.ini file: autoInsertFeedbackNode=False


Or copy/paste the ini from current LV's folder to the new.