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Forum changes in 2012!

Hello Forum Users,


I hope everyone’s 2012 is off to a great start!


As many of you know, Laura left National Instruments last year to pursue a new opportunity. Stephanie (srdfrn) worked with you for a few months until I was hired into the role, but I am happy to announce I will now be the official Forum Moderator. This is such an active, thriving community and I am excited to work with and get to know you all!


As my first improvement to the Forums, I would like to go live with the Me Too feature. Me too  is a button that allows users to participate without writing a message on the forums for both questions and answers.   A registered user simply presses the Me too button and gets feedback with the number of other users who either had the same question, or found the same solution helpful.


The Me too button signifies the questions that are most in need of an answer and the solutions that work. This Me too feature should:


  • Reduce the number of duplicate threads with similar problems
  • Show the most notable questions, topics, and community generated resolutions
  • Highlight answers and users who provide great content


“Me too” Preview:






What displays once you have selected “Me too”:




Thanks for your passionate activity in the Forums thus far. Your enthusiasm, support, and feedback regarding this change and the changes to come in the future are greatly appreciated!



Forum Moderator

National Instruments

Message 1 of 78

Now if we could "Me Too" an idea instead of Kudo-ing an idea you could be on to something.

Message 2 of 78

Welcome into the role!


I'll look forward to working with you as much as you (probably) dread stepping into Laura's shoes.  Thanks for the announcement!



I'm certain you will do well.



(I'm hoping the "me too's" on "time to" threads really bump up this idea) I believe those functions have solved many threads/vi and its getting so that the frequent fliers just say "search the forums- it comes up often..."

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 78

Welcome Jordan


Always welcome ways to cut down duplicate posts, now if we could find ways to reduce the 'posts in the wrong board' as well that would be excellent.

Ray Farmer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 78

Can we change the text from "me to" to "Mega-dittos" please.


When will we start seeing the change?


I would prefer the search functions get fixed (the old search actually worked ... well in comparison much bettter).


Can we get the search functions fixed?



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 78

Although the "Me Too" is an interesting button, as I look at it while reading a thread where a post was accepted as the solution, the "Me Too" does not automatically register as "oh, yeah... this thread helped me too.."  It is more like "what the heck is this button?"


Unfortunately, I don't know what to suggest to improve the button..  I will if the creative side thinks of something appropriate.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 78

So this me too thing is related to ratings but HOW?



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 78

No.. not to rating... but it says how many people had the same problem as the OP.


Don't know how it affects ratings, if it does at all..

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 78

Jordan G wrote:

Me too  is a button that allows users to participate without writing a message on the forums for both questions and answers.   A registered user simply presses the Me too button and gets feedback with the number of other users who either had the same question, or found the same solution helpful.

OK, so the button is only available for the first post of a thread. Another reason to crack down on thread hijackers that append a new problem to the end of an unrelated existing old thread.


[Me Too] sounds a bit bland, boring, and complicated. Couldn't we shorten it to a [Moo] button instead??? 😄



Message 9 of 78
Also available on the solution, as is the old-fashioned Kudos button.
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 78