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@Ben wrote:



The later is theft.




I've been saying that tax is theft all along!!!  Yeah!!!


On second thought, maybe you don't mean that ALL tax is theft...  😞  But, then, again, maybe you do. 🙂


(Good Morning NI - I'm here..)

You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice
For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it will occur? Eccl. 8:7

Message 511 of 2,258

@for(imstuck) wrote:

HAHA, i love this observation. Plane's wings need to be able to support 150% of the Max Takeoff Weight, so there is no doubt in my mind a full plane could still support an absurd amount of baggage (although it may not be able to take off). But, it is quite remarkable what weight does to the amount of fuel burned. There is actually a delicate balance between painting the fuselage to help protect it versus fuel burned due to the added weight from the paint. It really comes down to a profitability thing.* I remember during my senior design, my group quickly realized why American Airlines leave their planes with the polished aluminum showing.


On another note, there are some YouTube videos of the 787s wing going through this testing. I think the wing tip displaced something like 24 feet before snapping at a safety factor of 1.54. So, have no fear when you fly through a storm and see it moving 2 or 3 feet. You have a lot of "wiggle" room Smiley Tongue

Then there is also the added stress on the wing that the extra weight is causing. This could also mean more maintenance problems and aircraft retiring earlier. As much as I hate extra charges, I am more willing to forgive a struggling industry especially when they provide a VERY convenient service. Cell phone companies? They are the rediculous ones, but get away with it because it's what we want and not what we need. It's the same reason we complain about the price of gas more than the price of our cable/internet/phone service.


for(imstuck) wrote:

*No airlines make money anyways, so this is really just helping to control how much they will lose in a given year. It delays the inevitability of bankruptcy.

Heh. I love this quote. Kudos



Software is never really finished, it's just an acceptable level of broken
Message 512 of 2,258

@jcarmody wrote:

@Ben wrote:



The later is theft.




I've been saying that tax is theft all along!!!  Yeah!!!


On second thought, maybe you don't mean that ALL tax is theft...  😞  But, then, again, maybe you do. 🙂


(Good Morning NI - I'm here..)



Give me time, I learn slow.


Indeed you may have been an inspiration when I typed that but Thomas Jefferson's "niether break my bones or pick my pocket" quote was another.


So what has me outraged* this morning (tis the season to be outraged) is what the govt has been up to with re:accepting sharia law to replace our legal system. Setting aside the issues of the various minority groups and how they would be delt with under sharia law but it should not be shocking to realize that sharia law mandates Islam. That single factor alone raise alarms for me since my relationship with God does not comply with any other group in the world. That relationship is imporatant to me and if asked I will defend my right to walk with my maker in a manner that is consistant with my own beliefs.


if any of you watched the docuementary "The Project"  (aired last week on "The Blaze") you saw how the US govenment is being infiltrated with people that want to turn the US into a sharia compliant country. There was a massive overhaul of training material that was completely purged of discusions of Jihad etc. Holder-the-Witholder has been true to his name and refuses to release the documents even to the House (Louie Gomert leading the battle in this front) that detail what was tossed why etc. Apperently 80 Banker's boxes of documents are in question. And NO this is not limited to just B and his crew. The infiltration started years earlier.


Add to that B's comments at the UN last week about defaming the prophet of Islam is an example of "the camels nose under the tent". Please keep in mind that a treaty that is signed and then ratified by the senate can under-mine our consitutional rights.


And on a more humorous note I heard the question asked "When will B call out the Jihadist to give up their guns and holy books?".


The isolationist approach propsed by Ron Paul sure is looking better and better.

Done with my morning outrage*, thank you.




* ... and the world will be better for this, that one man scorned and covered with scars, still strove with his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable star.

Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 513 of 2,258

@JW-L3CE wrote:

Then there is also the added stress on the wing that the extra weight is causing. This could also mean more maintenance problems and aircraft retiring earlier. As much as I hate extra charges, I am more willing to forgive a struggling industry especially when they provide a VERY convenient service. Cell phone companies? They are the rediculous ones, but get away with it because it's what we want and not what we need. It's the same reason we complain about the price of gas more than the price of our cable/internet/phone service.


We have two parallel threads going on right now (taxes and airplanes). Thank goodness I program in a parallel environment so I'm used to it Smiley Very Happy


Very true. They essentially have a "warranty" of 20 years, although  most last much longer. The other big problem with the wings is fatigue (i.e. "paperclip syndrom"). Them bouncing around is similar to flexing a paperclip back and forth until it breaks. The other thing that is often forgotten is this fatigue also effects the fuselage. Every time the cabin is pressurized it is slightly expanding, then contracting again later. It's quite remarkable all the minutiae in the "real world" and it's why education, while important, could never replace real world experience; it just compliments it. I had a dentist who told me all a college degree is, is a "license to learn." How true it really is...

Message 514 of 2,258




0 Kudos
Message 515 of 2,258



KTM apart again?  This'l make you feel better.


Message 516 of 2,258

Nice work 😮

Yea, one of the transmission shaft bearings blew apart.  Clutch had been acting funny for a month or so now, pulled the shaft out of the inner race and the whole bearing just came apart.  Punch out the outer race, flush out all the bearings with oil and wipe out all the shavings in the case... just like last time.

Really just the two bearings I need (replacing both sides of that shaft), if my parts don't show up tonight (or haven't shipped yet) I'll just cancel the order and find them locally.  The gaskets I couldn't save I have extras of.  Once I get parts I should have 'er back together in an evening.

Keeps Taking Money... Smiley Indifferent

0 Kudos
Message 517 of 2,258

Snowmule wrote:

Keeps Taking Money... :smileyindifferent:

Perhaps you need a spare set of case halves that you can pre-populate with bearings/races.  Would shorted your turnaround time.


P.S.  I really like the photo I posted because the truck came out on top!

0 Kudos
Message 518 of 2,258

Seen Here

<End of rant thank you I feel better now>

"Should be" isn't "Is" -Jay
Message 519 of 2,258

The UFOs have |mass| = |negative mass|, that is why they can move very fast…
The future of physics: to build or to simulate negative mass; and we will be able to move very easy in our solar system..

0 Kudos
Message 520 of 2,258