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LabView vs LabWindows/CVI

If you google German bureaucracy, you get tons of hit, here's the first one.


It is a descriptive and not an insulting term, because Germans are proud of it. 😄 Other countries have other forms of bureaucracy.



Message 201 of 221

As some LV defender said some time ago in this Forum, this question is about using left or right side of our brain. Programmers, usually engineers and scientist, are more confortable using left side, nevertheless creativity is almost at the right one! Simple ISO C/C++ appears to have more probability to be useful some decades ago, but visual tools are by far more suitable to be undestood and learned by new users (programmers!). This is the reason Android and the new cellphones with easy-to-use interfaces are so popular... nevertheless, text based have some advantage as everyyhing have one. What about automatic code generation, scripting and thinks like that? Another consideration should be that LV is a copyright language from one company and CVI not at all, because it is based in C which is an international standard. What about LV alternatives or its future (worldwide) standarization? What about think in take advantage of both kind of tools, text-based and graphical? An ISO standard programming language with both capabilities will be the best...

0 Kudos
Message 202 of 221
Very interesting analogy, Altenbach 🙂


0 Kudos
Message 203 of 221

This is so so true 🙂 Tasks achieved really very quickly.


Message 204 of 221



When you reply into a very long thread such as this one, please quote the original post so we know which of the previous 100 messages your new message is referring to.  Unless it applies to the message directly before it, we have no idea who you are replying to.

0 Kudos
Message 205 of 221

RavensFan wrote:  so we know which of the previous 100 messages your new message is referring to.

Or in this case, 200+ messages

There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
0 Kudos
Message 206 of 221

which country using more Lab windows/cvi??

in inida iam nit finding any compny using lab windows.cvi

0 Kudos
Message 207 of 221

@engine_motor wrote:

which country using more LabWindows/CVI??

in india iam not finding any company using LabWindows/CVI

Because of more syntax errors due to wrong spelling?

0 Kudos
Message 208 of 221

Thanks for the translation udka, I was struggling with it this morning.  Two years ago in this thread I mentioned I'd never had a dialog with anyone who programmed in CVI and that hasn't changed.  I'm not sure where CVI is popular, or who is using, but I haven't met them.  In the Detroit area (generally automotive) test systems, ED, DV, PV, and many end of line systems are LabVIEW.  I've seen LabVIEW used for Hils, Dynos, and tight control systems to a lesser extent than other solutions, but it is also used in those areas.

Message 209 of 221

Glen uses CVI.  He's an old dog that refuses to learn new tricks (LabVIEW).  You shouldn't talk to Glen, though, he's downright hostile to anyone that suggests he join the rest of the developers in the company that use LabVIEW...

You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are. ~ Alice
For he does not know what will happen; So who can tell him when it will occur? Eccl. 8:7

0 Kudos
Message 210 of 221