12-15-2017 01:29 AM
I just had to realize that one of my community doc page got changed in this year August: " **This document has been updated to meet the current required format for the NI Code Exchange.** "
This doc (see the document history for the changes): https://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Programs/LabVIEW-Android-comm-via-bluetooth-serial-using-LabVIEW/ta...
A community folk added some alien info into my document, and updated some other parts too: (i guess he was working on several docs at the same time, and copy/paste went haywire?? 😄 )
Steps to Implement or Execute Code
After using this false info in this document section, he put the original list of steps into an updated snippet (you can see also Asian character at the Case structure)...so this is the "current required format for the NI Code Exchange"?? 😄
Anyway, I fixed the section "Steps to Implement or Execute Code", but I will also check other docs for such mistakes. So I really encourage you people to check your community documents, since it looks like a sloppy work was ongoing this year from the NI side! (and some people might think the non sense info was written by you! 😉 )
12-15-2017 07:52 AM
Yeah I mentioned this on the feedback subforum when I realized one of my examples were changed. The major changes I disagreed with was removing one example, and removing the VIPC for installing the dependencies. Beyond that they used weird settings for the block diagram window size, turned on debugging, and used low resolution images for the example. Also not being notified of document changes is a problem.
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12-15-2017 08:16 AM
Yes! Not being notified is the most annoying thing in this story. For sure they own all rights to modify content on their servers, but even not sending a notification to the authors is really not professional...
12-15-2017 11:26 AM
I definitely would want to be involved in any polishing. Is there a document with the exact guidelines these example scrubbers need to follow?
Looking at some of my documents, the array transformations example is in the example programs untouched, while the 4x4 tic tac toe is still stuck in the "drafts" area, but also has not been touched.
I would be happy to polish them up once I see the newest guidelines and submit for approval. I would not like it if somebody else would butcher them up without telling me. Code that has my name on it requires also following my quality standards and requires my approval. :D.
12-18-2017 07:53 AM
After reading... I am glad I chose to keep my Nuggets in LV forum rather than the examples.
12-18-2017 03:49 PM
Thank you for your feedback. Firstly, I want to apologize for not informing you of the changes. We were under the impression that notifications were being sent. However, in some cases, it looks like authors were mistakenly not subscribed to receive notifications on their own documents. We have now updated the default setting to correct this issue and you may confirm in your user settings.
I will paraphrase below what I mentioned in my previous message for consistency:
We put in place a process to clean up the ~5,000 on the community using a new style guide and template. While we could have attempted a collaborative approach for these updates, the amount of overhead would have been extremely high, especially when it comes to code submitted by users who are no longer an active member of the community. For this situation, we decided to recruit a short-term example scrubber team to go through these older examples and update them to meet the style guide (leaving the original code in place), or in some cases recommend their removal if they are truly atrocious or duplicative.
All that being said, as best we try, we know things will sometimes fall through the cracks, which seemed to have happened in this case. We will continue to try to improve and take this feedback into consideration.
As a teaser, we are looking into ideas to enable community members to be gatekeepers/reviewers of example programs, as well as ways we can improve our labeling around quality and editorial state. Stay tuned!
01-05-2018 12:02 AM
Thanks for the info, and explanations. Another thing what could improve the community doc pages (https://forums.ni.com/t5/Community-Documents/tkb-p/3044 ) is to remove the lots of noise. There are numerous docs which are not belonging to this specific board, like simple questions (belonging to the normal forum board), or even I found people posting their CVs... 🙂
IMHO the first step could be to remove these, since they do not require special attention/modification, just a simple delete. Maybe you could setup a special "scrubber team" just for this task. It would clean up these pages a lot as a start...
01-24-2018 02:38 PM
Please note that after feedback we received (here and here) regarding email notifications, we have disabled the default notification for receiving emails whenever edits are made to content in the community. If you would like to receive email notifications whenever edits are made, please check your Notification Settings and ensure that you have the correct options selected.
Please note that this applies to all content -- not just document edits.
If you are concerned about receiving too many email notifications for edits, you can select to receive notifications in a daily or weekly digest.
We recognize that there is a need for more granularity with these settings and we will follow-up with our community provider with enhancement suggestions.
Thank you,
Lili McDonald
Community Manager
National Instruments