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Attaching VIs to posts

On a forum intended to discuss and provide help for LabVIEW, is it not obvious that you are able to attach LabVIEW code? I've seen requests for help with screenshots posted into every document type imaginable 


Admittidly the 'create snippet' function is a little hidden in the Edit menu, but why would you think you can't upload a .vi?



- Cheers, Ed
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 16

There are some forums where you can't post a .vi (not talking about

Rodéric L
Certified LabVIEW Architect
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 16

What i find more disturbing is the fact that some people keep posting images instead of VIs even if told to NOT do so (please post the VI instead!).


Sometimes i wonder if those people really want to get help or if they are just afraid to get a place in the Rube Goldberg thread......



CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16

I think it's great to get picked up on rubes, sure you get a red face but you learn something

- Cheers, Ed
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16

This one is a little zen; a screenshot of a word document pasted in an uploaded word document

- Cheers, Ed
Message 5 of 16

@yenknip wrote:

This one is a little zen; a screenshot of a word document pasted in an uploaded word document

It could be worse.

Try to take over the world!
Message 6 of 16

It's great that that has become a little meme on the site for the past 6 years 😄

- Cheers, Ed
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 16

My preference is for the images and not hte VIs unless digging is required.


Images can be viewed and commented on without having LV installed.


No one has ever started a thread requesting that an image from LV 6i by saved as an image fro LV 2012 or vise versa.



Retired Senior Automation Systems Architect with Data Science Automation LabVIEW Champion Knight of NI and Prepper LinkedIn Profile YouTube Channel
Message 8 of 16

Yes, images! But not just any image - a VI Snippet is IMO the best way of attaching a VI. [Edit: Many times I include the snippet and attach the VI in the earliest version of LabVIEW possible]


Although it can be done directly from LabVIEW I prefer Ton Plomp's Code Capture Tool. It correctly handles references and is much easier to use. All you do is select some code, activate the Code Capture Tool, then click on the camera icon. It will save the snippet into a temporary file and put the location of the temp file into your clipboard.


This means that when replying to a post all you do is capture the snippet in LabVIEW, go to the insert image icon in the forum reply, click browse then do a paste from the clipboard. No need to save the snippet to some "Delete Me" folder on your desktop first. This is my favorite third party addon.


Now if only Ton could make the snippet include subVIs and be navagable (or is it navagatable?) so you could directly dig into structures using your web browser. That only leaves making the code snippet editable and then just throw in a run arrow Smiley Very Happy

LabVIEW 2012

Message 9 of 16

@Steve Chandler wrote:


Now if only Ton could make the snippet include subVIs and be navagable (or is it navagatable?) so you could directly dig into structures using your web browser.

VIpreVIEW can do that, but it was never finalized into a usable tool -

Try to take over the world!
Message 10 of 16