Multifunction DAQ

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C# write to USB-6001

I already have a task created in MAX.

I am loading the task using Task Setpoint_Task = NationalInstruments.DAQmx.DaqSystem.Local.LoadTask("Setpoint");

The channel is called AO-0 in MAX.

I am not sure what I need to do to set that channel to 5V.

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When you create a voltage analog output task in NI MAX, you will set the signal output range to a maximum of 5 volts, and then at the top you will set the voltageOut to 5 volts.


William Fernandez

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

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Message 2 of 5

@wfernand wrote:



When you create a voltage analog output task in NI MAX, you will set the signal output range to a maximum of 5 volts, and then at the top you will set the voltageOut to 5 volts.


William Fernandez

Applications Engineer

National Instruments

From reading the Help file, it appears that I would need to

Task setpoint_Task = NationalInstruments.DAQmx.DaqSystem.Local.LoadTask("Setpoint");
AOChannel aochannel_setpoint = setpoint_Task.AOChannels[0]; AnalogSingleChannelWriter setpoint = new AnalogSingleChannelWriter(setpoint_Task.Stream); setpoint.WriteSingleSample(true, 5);


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I thought that you were asking about how to set up the 5 volts output using NI MAX. The code that you posted seems to be right to me. The following white paper can help you with the DAQmx functions. 


Mapping the NI-DAQmx .NET API to the NI-DAQmx C API - NI-DAQmx .NET Class Library Help for Visual Studio 2010


Please give this a try and let me know.


Warm Regards,

William Fernandez
Applications Engineering
National Instruments


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Message 4 of 5

@wfernand wrote:


Mapping the NI-DAQmx .NET API to the NI-DAQmx C API - NI-DAQmx .NET Class Library Help for Visual Studio 2010



Thank you for the link, but we are not upgrading from C to C#.



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