11-26-2009 10:38 AM
Just for fun got it working under Linux:
Was used: Linux openSUSE 11.0, Wine 1.1 and Gauging Example (builded into Windows - executable)
How funny...
11-26-2009 10:45 AM
And now for my next trick I'm going to run Wine to run the Windows version of Sun Virtual Box to have it run another Virtual Box inside it to run the BeOS.
11-26-2009 10:51 AM
smercurio_fc wrote:Neat!
And now for my next trick I'm going to run Wine to run the Windows version of Sun Virtual Box to have it run another Virtual Box inside it to run the BeOS.
The full chain was:
Windows XP -> VMWare -> openSUSE -> Wine -> LabVIEW Application 😉
03-03-2014 02:23 PM
Anrey hi:
I got an asinment to try LV + Vision on Linux machine. Would you be so kind to provide me with more detaled instructions how did you do it?
Thank you,
Oleg Finodeyev
03-03-2014 03:23 PM
Олег, формально тулкита Vision под Линукс не существует. Поскольку Wine позволяет запускать Windows приложения под Линукс - я просто сгенерировал exe файл из одого из примеров и запустил его. Но это не нативное линукс приложение. Проблем там особых не было (насколько я помню - сложил все требуемые библиотеки в одну папку, оно и запустилось). В серьёзных проектах я б это использовать не стал - Wine сам по себе имеет тенденцию падать, кроме того, Vision требует лицензии для рантайма - и с этим могут быть проблемы под Wine.
03-04-2014 08:43 AM
Andrey hi:
Thank you for a prompt response. Sorry for English typing - I don't have Russian keyboard. In addition - I never was working with Linux - please be patient with me. I may ask dumb question.
I know, NI does not support Vision in Linux OS - I had very extensive discussion about it.
To move (VI).exe, being compiled in Win OS:
1. Instead installing an application you are using just compiled one.(?)
2. There are dll calls in Vision VIs - did you copied these dlls in new location and re-directed calls?
I'm sorry for being annoying but I never was faced such thing.
08-30-2016 09:14 AM
is this exe pre deployed on windows?
08-30-2016 12:15 PM
i have deploy my application in windows and need to run on linux
i follow you by adding wine to opensuse but the error about labview run time engine need to be installed i found that it is already installed ..so i did not recognize what should i do
here attached the error messge
09-05-2016 12:46 PM
need answer of our questions