01-24-2023 04:48 AM
### Aborted due to an error in the build procedure for model: Battery
Error: File: C:\VeriStand\2017\ModelInterface\tmw\codegen\NiBusLib.tlc Line: 113 Column: 17
The left-hand side of a . operator must be a valid scope identifier
Matlab - 2017a
VeriStand - 2017
01-27-2023 06:56 AM
Hi Maya24,
This error was caused by referencing a parameter inside of another parameter, for example, parameter_array(parameter_scalar).
If it won't help, try to replace the scalar parameter with just a number.
There is no more information from my side, if these 2 solution versions won't work, I suggest contact MathWorks support to see what they are suggesting.
By the way there is a solution post in MathWorks forum, try to go through that post as well, it might be helpful.
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