10-11-2019 03:57 AM
i installed everything like Veristand writes in the Help window , but the Embedded Data Logger does not function.
Where could be the Problem. When i start the Trigger there is no generated Log File.
I generated a boolean switch on the UI, is that ok for the Log Trigger?
10-11-2019 09:15 AM
Embedded data logger can log at PCL rate or slower. If you need to log faster then the PCL rate (1MS/s in your case), create a Waveform task instead. Check this out
10-15-2019 02:09 PM
Thank you for this very nice description!
Now it works, but the only problem i have now is a anomal time line with values like: 1014968:48:38,250. What could be the reason for this?
09-23-2020 07:50 AM
@okubik wrote:
Embedded data logger can log at PCL rate or slower. If you need to log faster then the PCL rate (1MS/s in your case), create a Waveform task instead. Check this out
I cannot open the link anymore, how does it work out now?
Best regards