OK, I got it to show up in MAX, thanks to your help. But I guess I can't create virtual channels with VXI the way I did with a DAQ board? So that means I have to use the Instrument I/O VIs instead of the nice wizard...
Am I supposed to use the VISA VIs, or the Instrument Driver VIs for the E1419A? The Instrument Driver VIs are, well, cryptic, especially for a novice like me. Unlike the E34401A, there are no nice examples to work off of, so I'm supposed to work with these intimidating VIs named INIT and TRIGGER, which, to be honest, I don't understand at all...could you point me to some tutorial for using Instrument Driver VIs? Right now, all I want to do is to be able to take thermocouple readings from the E1419A, which has the 64-channel option 011.