03-29-2019 12:12 AM
I am using NI USRP 2049R with customized FPGA logic. It is connected with Chassis through MXI cable.
I am using Tx/Rx streaming VI for transmission and reception. In my project its is required to change the Tone frequency / Phase of message signal while VI is running. But I am unable to achieve this. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.
M Mahboob ur Rehman
04-01-2019 02:57 AM
Hi Rehman,
In Tx/Rx streaming VI provided from LabVIEW, waveform data is pre-generated before transmitting it.
If you use "Unbundle by Name" node for the cluster, you will find out the I/Q waveform data provided to "Initiate and Generate (Single).vi".
You should change these I/Q waveform data by using the cluster unbundle and the bundle node.
Here is a simple example. Remember that this is just an example.
04-01-2019 12:08 PM
Hi Chan82,
Thats great! yes I knew that I/Q data is pre generated. But I was unable to find any example to change this data.
Thanks for your explaination, I will use this method for regeneration of I/Q data and will get back to you if I found any difficulty.
M Mahboob Ur Rehman