USRP Software Radio

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Can USRP used in two directional relay network along with Labview

Hi there:

trying to experiment the availability of using the the USRP (3 units) as a relaying network or Ad-hoc, is that possible along with Labview ( I am new to it). please let me know ASAP.



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Message 1 of 5

I would say yes. Something similar was implemented in "Cooperative Relay to Improve Diversity in Cognitive Radio Networks" (Qian Zhang, Juncheng Jia, and Jin Zhang, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology). They used GNU Radio, but it should be possible to do it with Labview too. Anyway, a response from a NI application engineer should be more informative.

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Message 2 of 5



I agree with the above. It should be possible, and there are a few papers around demonstrating people using USRP's and GNU radio to do this, unfortunately I can't see any that reference LabVIEW however I can't see this being a problem.

As you are new to USRP+LabVIEW I'd also recommend checking out the example VI's available here:

It will give you a good grounding in what is Possible.




Applications Engineer
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Message 3 of 5

Hi there:


Thanks for the reply, I think its applicable as I managed to do something about, I have another concern, is there any way I can work based on to make my transmitted packets know the final destination USRP (in case I have more than one receiver and one transmitting USRP), is this idea applicable eventhough I know the USRP doesnt have the required stack for it , but is there anything around we can do, appreciate your response.



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Message 4 of 5

Hi Imad and others,


Right now I'm doing one way relay (TX-Relay-RX)(using Labview and NI USRP2922). I'm using the example given by NI (6x6 MIMO OFDM) to build the relay. The relay that i construct consist this sequence (RX-Gain-TX). The problem is no output at TX relay. I don't know why. Can you share your relay coding so that I can get an idea to solve my problem.Here I attach the relay that I've made for your reference. Hope you can help me



Thank You,






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Message 5 of 5