Title of Application:- Automatic cleaning system
Name of Institution:-SRM University
Branch:-Instrumentation and Control Engineering.
Authors:- Amresh Kumar Singh,
Shobhan Chatterjee.
Guides: - Mr.C.Balaji,
Mrs.Y. Jayshri,
Mrs. G.Sunitha,
The cleaning system proposed here is developed with all round view of house cleaning and hygiene.
Here we are proposing three machines: -
The automatic toilet cleaning system is a setup which is designed to clean the toilet along with not polluting the water beneath. This system closes the blind hole before the start of actual process, seals over the seat and then cleans the toilet without spill of water. The delay is so given that the process of spraying the disinfectant cleaner and the brushing action is not interrupted. The brushes also have attached sponges to soak water. Water supply is taken from the flush compartment or water pipe through a hose. The battery supply gives necessary backup in case of power interruption.
The design is well suited for both Indian and western style of toilets.
The sprayer at the end sprinkles the air freshener after which the setup closes by itself and submits to compartment attached. No manual effort is required to operate the system other than just putting the toggle switch.
The floor cleaner subscribe to work of both broom and mopping. While the brushes attached to machine motions the disinfectant is sprayed along. The brush is made of scrub cloth which soaks water as well as rubs the floor for clean shine. The system is well fitted with sensors which can sense edges of wall and cleaning of the edges is done through rolling brushes attached to front edges of system. The motor rotates the brushes at speed to obtain optimum cleaning. At the end of the process, the motor dries up the brushes so that the system can be plunged back.
The time spent on manual cleaning can be fully aback by installation of this system.
The third system is especially useful for students .Mosquitoes are really a menace to people especially during time of sleep. The coils or mosquito repellents are least effective when the damp areas are nearby. Also mosquito rackets are not that effective.
This robot system is of compact design with necessary battery backup for the case of power failure.
The average height of a sleeping person is taken into account. The sensors are attached to indicate the respective horizontal and vertical distance covered and turn the device according to preset value. The track is nearly a rectangular box of 7*4 feet. The moving arm is attached with a designed mosquito racquet which can move back and forth at height of 4 feet. As the machine moves full body of the person sleeping is been covered. The proximity sensors are used to detect presence of the person.
The hardware includes DC Motors of low rpm, Sensors, Rechargeable Battery, and Flapper-Nozzle Assembly.
NI Lab VIEW 9.0 is used for interfacing of sensors with the motors and Gide the respective movements of various parts of setup.
The main motive of this project is to design the components with cost effectiveness such that day to day use could be promoted. The total time frame to complete the entire setup is about two months.
intresting and thoughtful design and application . nice idea!!