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why is my PXIe-1073 "Unidentified" in NI MAX?

Hi Mikhail,


I gave up wi the Panasonic and tred a Dell, which worked to the point where I could see the PXI chassis.  But then today the Dell could not see the PXI chassis in MAX.  At the moment I'm trying to get the chassis working, then I will be debugging my PXI card.


Device manager on the Dell appears to see a number of PCI-to-PCI Bridge devices when the chassis is connected to the Dell, 10 in total would this be correct?  Max can't see anything though


many thanks,


0 Kudos
Message 31 of 35

A PXIe-1073 has 8 PCI-PCI bridges, and an ExpressCard-8360 has 2.  


In device manager choose view->devices by connection.  If you expand the right things you'll find the PCI-to-PCI bridges under a root port.  It will be a hierarchy that looks something like this:


Root port

  PCI bridge

    PCI bridge

      PCI bridge

        PCI bridge

        PCI bridge

        PCI bridge

          PCI bridge

        PCI bridge

        PCI bridge

        PCI bridge


The first two bridges are the ExpressCard-8360, the rest except for the most indented one are for the PXIe slots, and the most indented one (I probably don't have it in the right position) is a bridge to the hybrid slots.  You don't need to know any of that, though.


You should see any devices you have in the chassis under these bridges.  If that is all good in device manager then it's a software/driver/MAX problem.  If the devices aren't showing up at all or if they have a problem then it's most likely a configuration problem (BIOS of the laptop).  Your best bet in that case is MXI-Express BIOS Compatibility Software - Windows 7/Vista/XP.  Less likely is a hardware problem with the cards or the chassis.


- Robert

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Message 32 of 35

Thanks Robert,


I believe that its a hardware fault, I installed the BIOS compatitabilty software, version 4.1 and still MAX does not see the PXIe-1073.  Device manager looks like this which seams correct to me.


Therefore the only thing left seams to be a hardware fault; do you have any further suggestions?




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Message 33 of 35



You could unplug the chassis for about 30 seconds and try again.  If that doesn't work I suspect it's software because you're seeing all the bridges like you're supposed to.  Software isn't something I can help you debug, though.


Anyone else?


- Robert

0 Kudos
Message 34 of 35

Hi Mark,


Can you post the results you get after running bus devices software: Determining the Number and Range of PCI/PCI Express Root Bus Devices ?

Also, make sure you have the NI Device Loader up and running under Windows Services: Why Are NI Device Loader (nidevldu) and NI Configuration Manager Services Not Starting?  Have you tried resetting your MAX database? If you have any custom hardware settings make sure you back up MAX database before reset.

Export/Import (Save) the System Configuration in Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX)

How Do I Clean a Corrupted Measurement & Automation Explorer (MAX) Database and Start With a New One...

Finally, if you have BIOS Compatibility Software installed you have to set DIP switch 1 to the On position (on your MXI card) as shown in NI MXI-Express BIOS Compatibility Software 1.4 Readme. What are the model numbers of your MXI cards (both in PC and in PXI)?


RF Toolkits, Product Support Engineer
National Instruments
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Message 35 of 35