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why is my PXIe-1073 "Unidentified" in NI MAX?

Marco - 


So do you currently have MXI Compatibility v1.3 installed and already running?  


Ben N.
Applications Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 35

Dear Ben,

thank you for your rapid reply.

I'm sure that I haven't at the moment any MXIexpress compatibilty running.

There isn't any MXIexpress version In the list of the installed National Instruments Software (from the install/remove program task of Windows )



0 Kudos
Message 12 of 35



As per your earlier reply, your laptop's BIOS/Motherboard has mutilate root buses.  The only version of MXI Compatibility software that supports multiple root buses is v1.4.  


You can have a look at the ReadMe: http://download.ni.com/support/softlib/PXI/MXIe%20Compatibility%20Software/1.4/readme.html on helpful installation instructions.  


You mentioned that installing it caused an issue with your graphics card?  Can you explain further?  Did you abort the installation due to issue you referenced?  


Ben N.
Applications Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 35

Dear Ben,


we followed the instructions contained in the readme file of the MXI-Express BIOS Compatibility Software 1.4.


After installation we connected the sole EC-8360 and we ran the ExpressCard8360 Configuration software.

The software recognized the card and we enable MXI bios compatibility.

Then, after rebooting and connecting also the PXI, we found the problem with the graphic card I mentioned in previous messages.

We verified that such problems are present only when we start Windows with the ExpressCard and the PXI connected, otherwise Windows start normally and we don't suffer from graphic problem.

In particular the GrapichCard (NVIDIA Quadro FX 880M) isn't capable of loading the ControlPanel dll.

A screenshot about this drawback is reported below




Moreover, with the bios compatibility enabled, and the Card+PXI systmem connected, the MAX software didn't recognized both the PXI chassis and the PXI modules here contained.


On contrary, without the MXIe compatibility software, we are able to recognize the PXI modules and to manage it normally with labview.

The problem is that in this case we cannot exploit chassis backplane in order to use triggers line, etc such as TClk.


We have also verified the eventerror reported in the Windows log file

The File is reported in attachment.


A question: Could you give me some references about Dell Laptop hardwares that work correctly with such system (PXIe-1073 + ExpressCard8360)?






Download All
0 Kudos
Message 14 of 35



Can you confirm that you have, or install, the most recent BIOS update for your Dell M4500 found here http://www.dell.com/support/drivers/us/en/04/DriverDetails/DriverFileFormats?c=us&l=en&s=bsd&cs=04&D...  ??


To answer your question about a computer list; we do work with Dell to ensure that the BIOS on the new Dell computers will be compatible with our MXI Express hardware. We do not maintain a list of the tested computers because it is difficult to maintain such a list with the newest computers.  You can have a look at the Dev Zone that addresses some FAQ when choosing a laptop to use with the ExpressCard-8360 http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/9949   .


Once you have the BIOS updated, please let me know if this behavior exists or changes.  I will try and gather as much information from you as needed and will forward it on to our R&D group to see if they can help with investigating the problem further.  



Ben N.
Applications Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 35



Looking back at your post of what you software you had installed on that machine....do you have NI-VISA installed?  If you do not will you also download and install the latest version?  You can find the driver link here: http://joule.ni.com/nidu/cds/view/p/id/2659/lang/en.  


Ben N.
Applications Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 16 of 35

Hi ben,

I followed the instructions.Here is reported the output of the Root Bus Detect tool also I have installed the MXI-express bios compatibility version1.4 but still same problem exists.





===MXIe Compatibility Root Bus Detection Utility===
This utility determines the number of PCI/PCI Express root bus
devices on your system and weather there are any bus number
range limitation that could cause hardware problem. MXI-Express
BIOS compatibility software support only single-root bus system.

Single root bus detected.
your system has a single PCI root bus. If necessory, this system
can run MXI-Express BIOS compatibility software.
Root bus has full use of all bus number.
your system's PCI tree can handle the full range of bus
number -- 0X00 <0> to 0XFF <255>. If your system requires
MXI-Express BIOS compatibility software, bus number should
not be a limiting factor in your MXI-Express hardware functionality.


---- Root Bus: ACPI\PNP0A08\2&DABA3FF&1 -----
Bus Number Range: [0, ff ]
Status: Device is running

This utility ran with no errors.

0 Kudos
Message 17 of 35

Wasif + Marco -  


To try and make this as efficient as possible, we will try and run through the same steps and get the both of you to the same configuration and troubleshooting marker.  At which point if problems still remain I will escalate further to the R&D groups here because you both have 

unique laptops though you're dealing with seemingly the same issue.  


Marco - I have not heard back from you on the NI-VISA install so I will assume you have not yet had the opportunity to put it on the machine or possibly that

doing this resolved the issue.  Please let me know how it's going if you have a chance.


Wasif - Your last reply detected a single root bus on your system.  MXI Compatibility  v1.4 was released to address multiple root buses even if you had two buses (like Marco) that shouldn't be the direct issue.   The text you pasted in the reply displays that you have PCI slots addressable up to 256 addresses which means it's compatible with the software. 


BOTH - Since both of you said that you had already done what was already recommended to the original user who posted, please complete or verify that

these basic troubleshooting steps have been completed:  


  1. Verify proper slot and power up order:
    • Power on PXI chassis BEFORE you start your computer
    • Remove all peripheral PXI modules to rule out the possibility of a bad module.
    • Inspect the backplane for bent pins. 
    • Does this hardware work on another computer?
  2. Update your computer's BIOS firmware
  3. If you see a conflict in Device Manager and/or are missing devices in MAX, then verify latest software:
  • MXI-Express will only populate a PCI-PCI Bridge entry
  • Update NI-VISA to the latest version. This will include updates to your MAX and PXI Platform Services software as well
  • If you are using MXI-Express, ensure the Cardbus driver is not installed. This could cause problems, notably Error 12 in Device Manager.

4.  MXI-Express BIOS Compatibility Software - Windows 7/Vista/XP

  • Installation instructions are in the "readme" file. Some MXI cards have a hardware switch that must be set. Check the documentation included with theabove download.  Please make sure you have followed these installation instructions appropriately.  


If these steps have been completed and the issue is still intact, please do the following: 


1.  Disable any and all firewall/spyware enabled on the laptop computers

2.  Confirm that you have the PXI System identified as External PC in MAX (Measurement Automation Explorer)  

2a. If it is, please right click on 'PXI System' and 'Delete All Identifications'.  Please follow the instructions at the bottom of this KnowledgeBase here on howto reset your pxiesys.ini file where your PXI configuration is stored on the local machine.  

3.  Please reply and attach a MAX Technical report to the post if none of these troubleshooting steps have resolved the problem.  The instructions for doingthis are laid out here.  

4.  A list of ALL hardware (chassis and modules) you are using in this set up


I appreciate your patience on this and look forward to hearing back from you both.  






Ben N.
Applications Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 18 of 35

Marco + Wasif - 



I haven't heard from you guys in over a week and wanted to determine if you are still having troubles and/or if there is an update on your status with the issue?  Please let me know at your earliest convenience so that I may assist and help resolve this issue ASAP.  


Ben N.
Applications Engineering
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 35

Dear Ben,


best wishes for the new year.

During the holidays we have carried out all the steps you suggested.

In particular we have:

-upgradad the BIOS;

-upgraded the NI-VISA to the version 5.1.1;

- repeated the whole installation procedure for the Express-Card and for the MXI-compatibility software version 1.4


unfortunely the results are still the same:

1 when the MXI compatibility is installed and enbled, we cannot access both the modules and the PXI chassis. Morover we experience problems with graphic cards with and without the express card inserted.

2 when the MXI compatibility is installed and disabled, we can access only the modules on the PXI chassis. Morover we experience problems with graphic cards only when the express card is inserted.


we are a little bit discouraged, because we have spent several days in order to fix this problem without success.


Best regards




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Message 20 of 35