08-10-2022 02:20 PM
I have a PXIe-4497 card that out of the blue has failed to initialize whenever I restart my PXI controller. The status code that I receive is -223022 Internal Software Error occurred in DSA software. The card appears under "Devices and Interfaces" in MAX as both 3: NI PXIe-4497 "PXISlot3" and 3: PXIe-4497 "PXI20::0::INSTR". I have tried unsuccessfully to reset the card in MAX and have tried the card in other slots of the chassis as well as in another chassis with no success. I have other PXIe-4997 cards that are working fine in the same chassis so the issue appears to be isolated to this one card.
I am posting here because I only identified two other prior posts in the community about this issue and both were over a decade old. Hoping that there may be a way of restoring functionality without an RMA, given that the error code indicates a software issue. Any suggestions or advice are much appreciated.
Thank you,
08-10-2022 04:28 PM
This typically means the firmware on the card is stuck somewhere. The best option is to reach out to NI Support for the next steps to debug.