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Sequence file documentation

Is there a way to dynamically create the sequence file documentation?

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I assume that by dynamically, you mean programmatically. And by documentation, I assume that you mean the equivalent of using the tool available in the TestStand sequence editor: Tools -> Sequence File Documentation.


If my assumptions are right, the answer is yes.


The documentation of the current sequence file is generated by the tool using sequence files located in <TestStand>/Components/Tools/DocGen. You can call the sequences of those sequence files to generate the documentation of a sequence file.


As an example, you can do the following (assuming here that you use the documentation options of the TestStand sequence editor).


*** Load Documentation Options ***


You need to create a DocOptions container custom type, available in docgen.seq.


DLL call from DocSupport.dll (located in the DocGen/Win32 directory), ReadDocOptions with RunState.Engine and Locals.DocOptions as parameters.


You can modify the options here as needed.


*** Get Reference from Sequence file ***


Create a local variable SequenceFileRef as object reference.


Use RunState.Sequencefile if you want to document the sequence file currently loaded or RunState.Engine.GetSequenceFileEx(Locals.SequenceFilePath) where the Local variable SequenceFilePath is a string containing the path of the sequence file you want to document.


*** Generate Documentation ***


Call the sequence "Sequence File Doc" from the sequence file docgen_html.seq or dog_text.seq if you want to generate html or ascii documentation respectively using Locals.Options and Locals.SequenceFileRef.AsPropertyObject as parameters.




I have attached the code. Up to you to modify your Documentation Options and the sequence filename according to your needs.



Marc Dubois
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