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Error-message in runtime-opui


i changed my labview-adapter to runtime to get rid of the labview-popup while running in opui (TS4.0, LV8.5)

I get there an error:

Reserve loaded vi for executio = false
error -18001

an error occured accessing reserved loaded vis fore exec in lv adapter

teststand adapter 4.0
unable to launch the labview.application. activeX automation server


Then i checked the box [X] reserve loaded vis for execution in the labview-adapter-settings (which was unchecked before).

After this i dont get the error again.

But: When i uncheck it again then the error is still not coming.

So, what was the problem here?


My OPUI is a custom-exe file created with an older labview-version.

To make i running in runtime, i had to masscompile my complete project-folder and to be sure i also masscompiled the complete c:\ProgramFiles\NationalInstruments-Folder.


Thanks for help

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This error occurs when TestStand is trying to run your test Sequence using a version of the LabVIEW development environment that is no longer present on your machine.
After you checked the box "reserve loaded..." it found the latest runtime installed on the system and then hadn't the problem again Smiley Happy

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