NI TestStand

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Customizing the Test Stand UI to write Part Number and Station Globals

I am developing a custom UI based on the standard Test Stand examples. My custom UI would be used by manufacturing production-line operators to run TestStand sequences as production tests.


My custom UI is based on the "Basic User Interface" C# example. You can see the snapshot below which is exactly the sample with a few additional fields that the operator would enter.

  • Part Number
  • Test Campaign: Acceptance, Qualification, etc.
  • Other custom stuff (see the image)



The Part Number I want to map to the standard UUT PartNumber.

The other fields we want to update to some StationGlobals that we have defined ourselves.

I searched through the sample code and do not see examples of either of these tasks.

  • How to programmatically update the UUT PartNumber from a custom User Interface
  • How to programmatically update a StationGlobal variable from a custom User Interface


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The *magic* word is "Custom UI Message. There are plenty of examples available including a chapter in the TS 2 class from NI.

The biggest question is "who is sending the custom UIMessage?". In your case, it sounds like adopting the process model makes most sense.

CEO: What exactly is stopping us from doing this?
Expert: Geometry
Marketing Manager: Just ignore it.
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