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MySQL InnoDB engine

Hi BradM,

The reason for me looking into ways on accessing a MySQL database from a NI Linux RT cRIO is that I have already made some investment/development into using MySQL from a Windows OS and the goal is hopefully to reuse that implementation.

Best regards,



Marcus Törndahl (System Architect)
0 Kudos
Message 11 of 15

Hi Marcus,


What I was attempting to clarify is whether or not you intended on, for example, moving the actual database stores to your target (in which case, the InnoDB support makes sense) or if you simply wanted client access from the target to your DB server on your Windows PC (in which case you don't care about the storage driver, you simply care about the communication standard, e.g. ODBC).


Disclaimer: I am not a db admin, I've just played around with one, including "remote" access from a container

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 15

Hi BradM,

Well my goal is to move the database to a more suitable location for the test system I'm building. As this test system will be offline I need the database to be located in the system. One part of the system is the NI cRIO 9030 with NI Linux RT which I am investigating the possibility to host the MySQL server. In combination to the server installation I also need to find the communication solution to the server and preferably to be able to reuse a present ODBC-communication extensively tested and working solution. 

Best regards,




Marcus Törndahl (System Architect)
0 Kudos
Message 13 of 15

Ah, this clarifies why you were asking about both. So, it seems that either case (local server/store on the cRIO and remote access to an external server) should work fine. You should be able to use the existing stores on the controller so long as they are in InnoDB/XtraDB format (I have not tested this).

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 15

Sorry but could you explain in more detail?


Marcus Törndahl (System Architect)
0 Kudos
Message 15 of 15