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9068 Conditional Disable and OS/Processor

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If I want to put a conditional disable structure in LabVIEW for the OS or Processor for the 9068, what is the condition string in LabVIEW for each?

Old examples:

OS = VxWorks

Processor = PowerPC



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

Hey Graham,

It should be:

OS == Linux

Sanjay C.
Embedded Software Product Manager| National Instruments
Message 2 of 11

Thanks Sanjay,

Any idea what the Processor field would be? This is more critical for us to be safe since I assume OS == Linux could imply both x86 Linux and ARM Linux.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11
Accepted by topic author GrahamB

Hey Graham,

You can use "CPU == ARM"

Also, to be clear -- why the concern between x86 and ARM? Are you developing code that would execute on both a Desktop system and an RT system? The "OS == Linux" shoud suffice if you have code that is portalbe between just RT systems.

Sanjay C.
Embedded Software Product Manager| National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

We are developing a LabVIEW library which calls a .DLL/.SO/.OUT that will run on Windows, VxWorks, Linux on x86, PowerPC, and ARM so we have to be a bit careful. The issue is because we call a C function which returns data with different endinaness depending on the architecture. The library right now doesn't run on any x86 based Linux, but I just wanted to be thourough now in case we ever do in the future.

Thanks for your help,


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11

Hi Graham,

Could you please provide some details about the way you performed loading a user lib ".so" targeting the ARM:

- Did you mean to target the zynq of the 9068 with an external so lib?

- Did you mean loading it directly from a vi on RT side?

I wanted to use a Call Library node inside a vi linked to the cRIO target but I face an issue : the required input is waiting for a dll only.

Regarding my project, I fix it in a "non 100% labview" way using a rt system call to a wrapper directly embedded in the cRIO. But I was looking for something "less dirty" regarding the standard way of working with Labview...

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Message 6 of 11