Multifunction DAQ

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different sampling rate



I have ni9234 & ni9229.

ni9234 - used to capture accelerometer g value

ni9229 - used to capture the geophone voltage.

As the actual sampling rate for both is different, how to assign the same sampling rate for both module?




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Message 1 of 3

Question to ask:

1. Any recommendation for acquisition module simliar with ni-9234 but with the input voltage range more than +/- 5V ??

2. If using the ni-9229, only able to measure voltage of accelerometer, so how to convert to g ? i do not have vibration&sound toolkits.








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Message 2 of 3

Hi Simon,


Regarding your questions, may I ask what are you trying to measure? In this case, what are the sensors you will be using with the NI Module? Based on your question, I am assuming it's an accelerometer. If so what is the specification of the sensor?


You would need to look at the sensitivity of the accelerometer and range of the output from accelerometer, which is usually in mV range. Then work your way back to calculate the g from the mV reading.


Also, based on the range and sensitivity specification (of the accelerometer), you will need to check if the module is able to detect the changes in reading from the accelerometer. This would depend on the resolution (number of bits) of the module and the range(s) available for the module. Some modules have a variety of ranges to choose from and some have fixed range.


I hope helps to point you in the right direction. Thank you.




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