Multifunction DAQ

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Missing external function DAQ channel read

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I made a couple of installers to share variables on network, the first one is based in DAQmx analog channels readings using simulated modules and the second ane receives the shared variables of those radings... I thought that was pretty fine because i run the main app (read channels and share variables) in my main PC (which has LabVIEW 2012 istalled) and run the other in a regular PC (without any NI software installed until my installer take action) and it worked well. However i installed the main app in the regular PC and i had an error that indicated: missing external function DAQmx read DLB single sample... I guess i must include on my installer some features about DAQmx but i don´t know which ones to avoid this error and be able to install my apps in any PC... Thanks i await your advices!

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Accepted by topic author andcp360

Well, i found solution...


I just included NI DAQmx MAX confiuration support to my app installer and i solved the problem...

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