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[Linux] TDMS configure_logging & nidaqmx.errors.DaqReadError: TDMS support is not installed or is too old

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Trying to log samples in a TDMS file, I face the following error  "nidaqmx.errors.DaqReadError: TDMS support is not installed or is too old. Use an NI-DAQmx runtime that includes TDMS support, or install a supported version of TDMS from a stand-alone installer."

Without tdms logging, samples can be read without any pb.


Here is a summary of the setup:

  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • PCIE NIDAQ 6346
  • Kernel release 6.8.0
  • Linux NIDAQMX version 24.8.0
  • NIDAQMX python 1.0.1


The following log settings do not return any error:

tasks.in_stream.configure_logging(tasks.devices[0].name + ".tdms", logging_mode = nidaqmx.constants.LoggingMode.LOG, operation=nidaqmx.constants.LoggingOperation.CREATE_OR_REPLACE)
Only when starting the acquisition, the error is returned.
Did I miss something during the install procedure, or can it be related to a SW compatibility issue?
Any advice to progress on this error code would be really welcome 🙂
Thanks / Regards
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Accepted by topic author frgo06

Found the solution.

Looks that ni-tdms is not installed by default with ni-daqmx.

Following command probably solves the dependencies (found during the ni-scope install):

sudo apt install nitdmsi ni-tdms-bin

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