Motion Control and Motor Drives

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Labview code for single axis motion

Hi ,

We have got a XPS motion controller with delay stages.Newport has provided sub VI's along with it.But the problem is both the axis are moving at a time.Also i used single axis group motion it is saying error code 19.this is the screen shot of my VI it is working but both the axes together.I want to put Start,stop at a perticular position then move further.But i am not able to do it.Please help me to overcome this situation.I am also sending the VI which is working properly but two axes moving together.


Thanks and Regards,



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 34

Hi Manu,


I believe the reason the axis are moving together is because you are using Group Move VIs, but I think you already know that.  Is the problem that when trying to do single axis moves you see Error 19?  I don't think the screen shot posted correctly.  Could you try posting a screen shot of the error window?  When does the error occur?  


Kristen H.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 34


Thanks for your kind response.I wrote a code like this but it is showing error in TCP read and write...i have to go further case then i ahve to some maths like start,scan,step.Please let me know how to do it.?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 34

Hi Manu,


What error are you seeing?  Can you post a screen shot of the error? Here is a Knowledge Base on common TCP/IP Error Codes.  It might be a good place to start.  


Also check out the NI Example Finder for TCP/IP Examples.  In LabVIEW go to Help>>Find Examples. You can search TCP and find a number of examples that are good to use as a reference for your development.


I hope this helps!


Kristen H.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 34


i wrote a programme for newport actators for two axis motion.The problem is it can only take target displacemt smaller values (that is in micrometers).Suppose X axis movement 1000microns and Y axis 50 microns with increment 50 microns,after the completion of X-axis loop iterations it is showing error number  -23 which explains,Error -23 occurred at an unidentified location,This error code is undefined. No one has provided a description for this code, or you might have wired a number that is not an error code to the error code input.I am also providing you the screen shot of my VI,please give me the solution.Expecting your kind reply.


Thanks & Regards,


0 Kudos
Message 5 of 34

Hi Manu,


Can you find out an approximation for where the error may be coming from by turning on highlight execution when you run the code?  Probing wires and using breakpoints may also be useful tools for determining the source of the error.  Do you know if part of the code runs successfully?  


Kristen H.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 34


Thanks for your reply.The exact problem once it completes the X axis motion ,it has to come back to zero,at that time it's showing error.but smaller increment and target displacements it works better.I am here by attaching a file,it also heplpful you to understand my logic.



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 34

Hi Manu,


I can see that vertical position moves from 0 to ~5 and then repeats.  What is this supposed to tell me about the error?  Could you please clarify?  Were you able to deteremine which subVI the error was coming from by turning on highlight execution? (the lightbulb button).  Does the error occur every time you come back to zero?  What do you mean by "works better" with smaller increment and target displacments?


Kristen H.

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 34



Thanks for your reply.Smaller increment means 1 microns step size.It is working better.If i increase the step size by 50 microns,once it completes the Xaxis loop,it has to come back to zero,then both should the time it is showing error.I swicthed on the bulb alsoit is showing erroe in XY current position sub VI.Today morning also i have checked with one micron step is working better.showing erroe only when i incresed the step size.Hope you help me on this isue.



0 Kudos
Message 9 of 34

Hi Manu,


It's great that you narrowed down the error to a subVI.  I assume this is a custom subVI, since it isn't in the functions palette.  Is it possible to run just the subVI with inputs similar to what would be passed into it when it is within the main application?  Run it with highlight execution on as well to deteremine the exact location within this subVI that the error occurs.  


Also, how is the VI working better?  Is it throwing the error less or something else?  Is there a threshold that causes the error? In other words, is there ever a time that you don't see the error?  


Could you explain how the text file data that you previous posted relates to the error?  I am not sure what the correlation is. Thanks!


Kristen H.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 34