Motion Control and Motor Drives

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Labview code for single axis motion

Hi Jeff,


I am using new port controllers only. I am here by sending you the screen shot of present VI which take data like this(X,Y)=(0,0),(1,0)....(5,0) then it goes to (0,0),(1,1),(2,1)...(5,1).I am sending you the screenshot of data file as well as VI.Now i want to save data like this (X,Y)=(0,0),(1,0),.....(5,0) then (5,1),(4,1)......(0,0),other way of doing the same logic ,i am using.It is something to do with shift register  or something else.Where i have to change my logic?.I need help immediately,i have to start some experiments.I 


My second problem is at present i am using  group move absolute now.IF i use group move relative instead of group move absolute,my VI is showing error.What is the solution for this.I am also sending the screen shot of that error code.Hope you guys help me in this regard

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Message 31 of 34

Hey mahs,


I am not sure I understand your first issue. I am a little unsure how your data file relates to your move.  In regards to the error you are getting, the error code you are seeing doesn't provide much information regarding what is causing the error. If you step through the error that is causing the error, can you determine any additional information regarding what is causing the error from within that particular VI?

Hope this helps.

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Message 32 of 34

Hi mahs,


I have the same problem now. When I run the sample VI, the stages don't move at all and error code -19 comes out. How did you solve your problem?


I want to use the XPS C8 controller to control the montion of two RV240PE rotation stages. I just modified the basc XY sample motion to single axis movement. Would you mind give me some clue?


thanks very much



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Message 33 of 34

Hi Menglian,

I'd suggest taking a look at the manual for the LabVIEW VIs that come with the XPS C8, since it appears this error -19 is specific to this driver. I hope this helps!

David S.
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Message 34 of 34