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Let me be more specific on an earlier question about alarms and there descriptions.  I'm working on an existing application that has alarms already setup.  I'm using Lookout 6.1 communicating with a GE PLC.  I'm trying to add and or change an alarm condition and or description.  Looking under the object explorer window - object GE, there are a lot of data members already configured.   If I select edit data member configuration under this object.  I have options of triggering an alarm for that data member.  Another option is to give a description.  Is this the description that pops up in the alarm window when it's triggered?  If so, then I can just change the description for that member.  If I want to add another alarm then I would add another member under that object, fill in the data needed and fill in the alarm conditions.  Please let me know if this is correct.  If not what is the correct way to achieve the above.



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Yes, you can just edit the "description" for the alarm message.

For a numeric data, there are 4 conditions you can set. They all use the same description.

To add a new alarm on a datamember, just configure the datamember and set the condition.

After you finish it, click "Update" to save it.

Ryan Shi
National Instruments
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