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which timing function to use

I am using the DAQ assistant to acquire a wave form.  then having the user move the cursors and then do some calculations before continuing on to the rest of the program.  which timing function would be best to use in this?  and where would i place it?
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A timing function to do some sort of calculation? What sort of timing calculation do you want to do?

If, on the other hand, you are wondering how to pause your program in order to have the user move the cursors, then what you could do is use a while loop. Wire the waveform through the loop and have the cursor manipulation/calculation inside. Have a front panel Boolean called "Continue" wired to the while loop's conditional terminal. A state machine would also work great. After the acquisition, you go to a calculation state. Depending on a front panel Boolean again, the next state would either be itself or your continue state.

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