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upgrade problem from 6 to 7.1

I use while loops and run an aquisition program wich communicates with the instrument over RS-232 in ASCII. In LV 6.1 it runs just fine, but in 7.1.1 it seems to stop the aquisition every 3-4 seconds and freeze the last value for a second. In 6.1 it would update twice every seconds. It seems like the program gets stuck while acessing the COM port. This is very strange, even on a more powerful computer it still does the same. Are there any known issues with the communication the "old" (not visa) way and upgrading to 7.1.1? I cannot find anything in the knowledgebase.

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Message 1 of 4
Normally, for a well written code, one should not expect any major issue between running on VISA or the old serial driver.
VISA is however faster. I would examine the code, and see if inserting (or increasing) delay time between Commands helps
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Message 2 of 4

There are no known problems with upgrading an application from LabVIEW 6 that uses the old serial VI’s to LabVIEW 7.1.1. However try to update to the platform independent VISA architecture if possible, and use these VI’s when programming in the feature.

If you attach your code I can check if I see anything particular that might cause the problems you are experiencing.

Jimmie A.
Applications Engineer, National Instruments
Jimmie Adolph
Systems Engineering Manager, National Instruments Northern European Region

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Message 3 of 4
You may be running into an “in-placeness” problem. “In-placeness” is the ability of LabVIEW to reuse internal buffers so that it does not need to allocate memory. This results in higher execution speed. LabVIEW improves this algorithm with each release, but this will sometimes cause performance problems with older programs in certain circumstances. One of these happened in the 6.0 to 6.1 shift - if you use tunnels instead of shift registers to pass data into a loop, the memory manager overhead could, in some cases, dramatically increase. How can you tell if you have this problem?

In LabVIEW 7.1, there is a native way to find out when LabVIEW allocates memory. Select Tools->Advanced->Show Buffer Allocations.... A window will pop up with a bunch of checkboxes for you to select what types of memory objects you want to highlight on your block diagram. Check them all to start. Open your block diagram if it is not already open. If your VI is compiled, you will see a black dot every location that LabVIEW is allocating memory. Hit the refresh button on the dialog to flash the dots for greater visibility. Now, as Steve Rodgers, our resident LabVIEW guru likes to say, play “hide-the-dots”. You can't get rid of all of them, but you can usually get rid of a lot of them. Use shift registers instead of tunnels to pipe data into/through loop boundaries. Tunnels may work if data is only going in - check the dots.

In LabVIEW 7.0, all serial port access was changed to VISA. The serial port VIs introduced in LV 3.0 were reimplemented in VISA for backwards compatibility. I would strongly second the above suggestion that, if possible, you rewrite your routines to use VISA directly instead of the old serial port methods. In most cases, you will get a superior solution.
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Message 4 of 4