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time out error that comes and goes

hi, i use keithley 2110 5 1/2 digits multimeter. i control it with a labview driver from the internet. it worked out fine for about a week. but since today i started getting time out error. (1073807339)

i get it when i try to read a measurement via visa. sometimes it is reading it well, and some times it sends the error.

can anybody help me please??

i attached the driver i used.

Message 1 of 14

Ethernet connection: Could be a local firewall or managed switch.


USB connection: Could be a power saving setting on the PC. Certainly try a different physical USB port.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 14

fthank u so much.

i tried other physical USB port. the problem stays the same. what can this be?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 14

There's not really enough information here for use to help you.


1) How are you physically connected to the instrument; USB, USB-GPIB, Serial, LAN, etc..

2) Describe that connection; 3ft cable? 1000ft cable? (If USB-GPIB brand and model)

3) Exactly what code are you running?  Attach it or at least name the file in zip folder.  You attached the entire driver, and there are examples in there but unless we can look at the one you are experiencing the problem with you won't get any better advice. 

4) When you save the program you are using, also save the settings or at least describe them.  What is the timeout value in ms?  What are you measuring? Range, what auto-scaling, auto-zeroing is enabled, etc..

5) Use highlight execution to tell us what VI gives you the timeout error.  Tell us what VI runs before that VI.  Tell us what commands are sent to the instrument prior to error; READ?, FETCH? INIT? etc..


In short, give us a lot more and maybe we can give you a lot more help.




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 14

i use USB connection, i attached a scheme of the connection from the devica manual, i dont know what is 1000ft and 3ft, sorry.

the VI I run is simply the VI from exaples: 'read single'. i didnt change any of the settings so all the settings parameters can be seen in the code. the code  is very simple.

when exactly the error happen? i think it is in the 'read'.

thanks a lot!

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 14

the VI i used is Keithley 2100 Series Read in the examples filder. thanks a lot!!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 14

Open the block diagram and use the execution highlighting feature ( to locate in which subVI the error occurs.  Open that subVI, again use execution highlighting, find where the error comes from and continue to trace the error back to the source.  Once there you will know when in the code execution the error occurs and perhpaps realize why it occurs.  Without your setup, we can't guess.


>>1000ft or 3ft is the cable length (1m, 300m). 

I want to know if the signal are being lost because of a really long USB cable, or your are using a hub, or a extender.


Are you measuring DC volts, AC volts?  Describe what you are trying to measure.



Explain more and get more help.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 14

I have found that when an instrument connected via USB has seemingly random timeout issues it is most frequently a Windows power management setting. Buried deep in the device manager tree for the USB controllers look for settings like "selective suspend" and any other power management settings that could allow Windows to shut off the USB port.


Also we have not seen your code there could be something wrong there. You also mentioned you were using sample code from Keithley. Is that sample code complete? Could it possibly be not closing the VISA sessions properly, so next time you run your program can not access the port because the last run still has the VISA session open?...

=== Engineer Ambiguously ===
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 14

thanks a lot.

I use the code from the manufacturers of the device, and this is the one I attached in my previous notes. it doesn't look like there are problems with its 'close' function.

I will try to look at the device manager, as you proposed, tomorrow at work. hope it'l work.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 14

hi, I am trying to find the USB controllers you mentioned, but i cant find any relevant setting that may cause the problem. i attache a screen sot of the menu at the USB node in the device manager.

thanks for your help.

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Message 10 of 14