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solar system

a simple google search will throw up plenty of answers to your question. Do you even try?

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Message 11 of 29

ya i did, i am unable to find my answers. This is the formula i got.


diode saturation current, Is = Ioe^-Eg/NkT

Io prefactor

energy bandgap, for silicon Eg = 1.12 ev = 1.79E-19 V


NKT = 1 x 300 x 1.38E-23 = 4.14E-12


I cant get the value for prefactor for si cell? anyways can you explain me why power graph does not resemble as the screenshot? there is no slope?

0 Kudos
Message 12 of 29

The term Ioe is actually the dark saturation current, in other words the diode leakage current density in the absence of light. It really is a measure of the recombination in a device.


Ioe will increase as T increases and will decrease as material quality increases


This is probably the most important parameter you will deal with as it differentiates one diode from another

Message 13 of 29

yes, you are absolutely right. But how can i use the dark saturation current in my code. Should i use it as a constant or use it as a formula? i am stuck with that.

0 Kudos
Message 14 of 29

You need to figure that out.  What is your goal for this project?


The people on the forums can help you solve your LabVIEW programming problems.  But you are expecting people to answer very subject specific questions about solar panel design and physics.  There aren't going to be very many experts in such a field in these forums.  That is your area of expertise, and if it's not, then you need to search out people in the solar panel world to help you answer your questions.

Message 15 of 29

The aim is to design a software tool that can be used to model the Photovoltaic cells. 

I consider this formula to implement my code in labview.




I replaced the term Io by Is


I am trying to model the IV characteristics of a si solar cell. It shoul plot I-V graphs for current versus voltage and power versus voltage. I have use this formula for irradiance, IL : G / 1000 x Isc and


for efficiency power in/ power out. Power in = area x irradiance, IL

power out = max power


0 Kudos
Message 16 of 29


Raven is right. You will need a much much deeper understanding of the physics which make up an electrical equivalent of a solar cell....or it's behaviour under changing operational conditions......BEFORE you can even begin to code a tool using LabView.


If you cannot understand the properties you are trying to describe in your equations, the tool will be next to useless, and not at all reliant.




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Message 17 of 29



I wouldn't be worrying about the slope on the curve of a graph....get the fundamentals in place and correct first and the graph will take care of itself.

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Message 18 of 29
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Message 19 of 29
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Message 20 of 29