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on board connections for SCb 68 while using NI PXI 6133 DAQ card



i am working on a project where two DAQ cards ni PXI 6133 and 6733 are being used for analog to digital and digital to analog voltage conversion.

and two SCB connector blocks are also being used.

the problem i am facing while getting input at one SCB is that it is not giving the analog output same as the input has been given.

i also tried to calibrate the voltage values but they are continuously being changed.

SCB-68 on board connections regarding DAQ cards are doubtful.


please help regarding the problem .

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Message 1 of 2

It would be helpful if you gave us a more detailed explanation of the problem.  For now, let's ignore the cards you're using and focus on what you have implemented rather than what the names of the pieces are.


You're creating a voltage at one point and trying to read it at the second.  Are you starting this by using a straight-through or are you doing your conversion?  If you're doing conversion, take a step-back and use the straight-through.  With this, do you see the input and output matching?  Until you can get this wired correctly, it's a waste to do anything more.  How are you measuring the voltage values?  Are you using a DMM to measure values at the pins or are you using an indicator of some form?


Next, simply telling us analog to digital is practically useless.  We would need to see your code to see how you're trying to implement this.  We'd also need to know the input range and the desired resolution of the digital output.  Without those, we really can only offer general theory.

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Message 2 of 2