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need help with Keithley 2000/2400 labview programing

I'm using the keithley 2400 multimeter and the 2000 and I'm having
great difficulty writing them labview programs.
I'm using labview6 ,GPIB .
I wrote a sweep program that runs v,triggers the 2000 that measure other
parameters and the combination doesn't work.
if any body have a configuration program for either of the instruments it
be a great help.
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Message 1 of 4
Programming Keithley triggers is a bit tricky. On the other hand, it does
provide a lot of flexibility.

Although Keithley has their own G envirionment (HPV), in my experience they
can and will assist on LV problems. Also, on there page there are solutions
(basic, C, HPV, but also LV) to various problems.

Also, the problem looks like a configuration error, not a LV problem. In my
experience, Keithley will put a lot of effort in helping to find the best
solution. If it is not a LV problem, pleace descibe the setup more.


Wiebe Walstra.

AIR technical Automation
"Motti F" wrote in message
I'm using the keithley 2400 multimeter and the 2000 and I'm having
great diffic
ulty writing them labview programs.
I'm using labview6 ,GPIB .
I wrote a sweep program that runs v,triggers the 2000 that measure other
parameters and the combination doesn't work.
if any body have a configuration program for either of the instruments it
be a great help.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 4
I'm having the same problems but I have got a program that will source V, measure I, and plot the IV curve with a Keithley 2400. It's written on a Win2000 using labview 6i and a GPIB interface. Only the Automatic sweep works. I've attached the program to this response. If you have any working code I can check out please pass it along....

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Message 3 of 4
hello K2400 users,

please find attached a test-sweep stored in .llb; this sweep-program I typically use for voltage- and current-sweeps. In addition find jpeg - screenshots of frontpanels - made by use of K2400 SMU. At that time, when I started using K2400-SMU, there was no LabVIEW-driver from KEITHLEY available - I made it - maybe not absolutely waterproof; this Instrument has such a lot of features..............
My sweep-programs do not use the internal buffer; every step during sweep is direct shown in graph - advantage is for most measurements: if a Device under test fails or shows abnormal behaviour, you can stop this sweep immidiately (by STOP - Button or programmatically).
If you are interested in more details,write to:

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Message 4 of 4