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intergrating labview and labsql

I am creating a project that will receive RFID tags from the reader with a USB interface and then use Labview to display the information about the RFID tags contained in the MIcrosoft access database. How do i integrate LABVIEW and LABSQL and microsoft access database?

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Message 1 of 16



First of all do you have to Database Connectivity Toolkit installed? You will need this to access the MS access database. I suppose you already have the LabSQL toolkit. 


To access an SQL DB from LV open connection using the LabSQL Open function. Specify the DSN name . Then use the SQL Execute function to write the queries and accordingly you will receive the output in the form of an array which can be displayed in LabVIEW Front Panel. The examples are there in the LabSQL Download package itself.



(Kudos are always Welcome, Accept as a solution if it is the One;))

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Message 2 of 16

Actually, you don't need to have the NI Database Connectivity Toolkit in order to use LabSQL.  In fact, if you have NI's Database Connectivity Toolkit, then you wouldn't need LabSQL.  LabSQL is a free alternative to NI's toolkit. 


In order to use LabSQL, all you need are the ADO components contained in MDAC.  See here:


Btw:  I'd only reccomend using LabSQL if you don't have NI's toolkit and unwilling/unable to buy it.  The NI toolkit comes with support.  LabSQL is basically an open-source thing and is nearly a decade old.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 16

Hi Josborne,


What i meant was to work with MS Access, DB Connectivity tool kit is required. And i just thought of sharing, the way in which LabSQL works. Hope I havn't guided him in the wrong direction. Anyway thanks for pointing it out. Keep up the good work:)



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 16

Sorry, still confused.  I am pretty sure you don't need the DB Toolkit to use LabSQL with Access.


LabSQL uses ADO and make calls directly to Access via ODBC.  No need for the toolkit, unless I am missing something.
Message 5 of 16


@josborne wrote:

Sorry, still confused.  I am pretty sure you don't need the DB Toolkit to use LabSQL with Access.


LabSQL uses ADO and make calls directly to Access via ODBC.  No need for the toolkit, unless I am missing something.


Correct. No toolkit needed.

See here for a post where I show an example of how to connect to Access.



Message 6 of 16

Hi Josborne and Ian,


I am extremely sorry. I had a notion that LabSQL can handle ony SQL Databases and for MS Access we need DB toolkit. Some time ago when I was working on Databases, this is what i was told. Anyway, This was a great help that atleasat now i came to know about it.. Better late than never;)


Anyway, thank you and kudos to both of you...:)





0 Kudos
Message 7 of 16
Access is not a database. It is a front end to the jet database which does support SQL.
Message 8 of 16

Hi Dennis,

Thanks for that information. I knew about the Jet Database but never knew that MS Access is just a front-end even while selecting the database provider for MS Access in the UDL Files:( I haven't spent much time on its theory part may be because of which this ignorance has happened. Now I am getting a feeling that I must seriously go through all the Computer Basics starting from MS Office.:) I guess I am climbing the tree backwards now...Smiley Surprised.. Thanks to NI Discussion forum that I am not just learning labVIEW from here but also finding out many other things as well.. 



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Message 9 of 16



how do i solve this error? i was using LabSQL.


Exception occured in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers: [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified in ADO Connection>Example - Fetch a

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Message 10 of 16