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I am using a VI for sending email using outlook application.  buy I could not change the font color of my text message that I want to send. is there any method of doing so? 
below is the attachment for
from that example, I only able to see the red color text message in the front panel, but I cannot see the font color (red) in my there any way to modify it?
thanks for the help and appreciate it a lot
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Message 1 of 5
By using the property htmlBody instead of just Body you can add html to the text. I don't know how well you know html (I for sure don't!) but <font color=#ff0000> will do the trick.

Message Edited by Vedeja on 06-01-2006 01:36 AM

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Message 2 of 5

thanks for your advise,

but I had another doubt. If I want to use Rich Text form for displaying my message, the HTML body cannot be used.  if I use HMTL body, all the arrangement for my message will be out of place. there fore I plan to use RICH TEXT form. but the message in the email is still black in color if I am using Rich text form. so is there any other method to modify it?

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Message 3 of 5
Hi, I had this demo created in 2003, and I have re-save it to as LV7.1
Kind of primitive, but hope it helps in one way or another.
Ian F
Since LabVIEW 5.1... 7.1.1... 2009, 2010, 2014
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Message 4 of 5
thanks for the advise. I will try the example and see how it work.
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Message 5 of 5