02-24-2014 10:54 AM
This is sort of long shot after googling for days.
On 2 different tablets (Asus with W8 and Sony with W8.1) the touchscreens stop working while running a LV2013 application.
This occurs about 50% of the time with time to failure ranging from a couple of minutes to an hour (or never in 50% of the runs).
A bluetooth keyboard confirms that the tablets aren't locked up and the LV application is still running normally -- just no touchscreen operation.
The application is logging data to a file at a slow rate (<1K bytes per minute). It's a small application so I don't beleive memory is an issue.
The same application runs without any issues on a laptop but there is no touch screen interface to worry about.
A power reboot returns the touchscreen to normal.
Are there any known issues with LV and the touch screen interface on win Win 8? Is there some type of "magic" key combination that disables/enables the touchscreen?
02-24-2014 09:39 PM
Hi cosborne,
Thats one interesting project you have there. So just to confirm with you:
Warmest regards,
02-24-2014 11:35 PM
Thank you for the reply.
To answer your questions:
1. Its the same application on the tablets and the laptop but it's really designed (font and control size) for the smaller screens of the tablets. The laptop doesn't have a touch screen so I can't confirm that the same thing wouldn't happen on the laptop hardware. Another big difference is the laptop is a Win7 OS and the tablets are Win8 and Win8.1
2. The tablets continue to work properly except for the touch screen which no longer responds in any way. The hardware buttons work and a bluetooth keyboard and mouse also function properly. Of course the external keyboard and mouse are only normally available in the lab -- on site they would not be available so the user can only do a hard reboot with the power button.
3. Unfortunately I can't include the code. When I get back from traveling I will try to create an small example to demonstrate the problem.
This was built in a hurry so the testing is mostly being done by the end user (they wanted a quckly delivery beta). Most of the code is from a long established application so there isn't too much thats new. Basically it was a UI update.
My only guess so far is that there might be an issue between the file system access and the touch screen driver.
12:22 AM
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12:09 PM
Content Cleaner
Hi cosborne,
I would say running your LabVIEW VI or its applications in Windows 7 OS laptop will work. But I'm not certain about how you run those exe in Windows 8 tablet. I would presume that the Windows 8 tablets you have runs the same as the Windows 8 in Microsoft Surface Pro (Runs on Windows 8 not Windows RT).
Warmest regards,
10:59 AM
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12:09 PM
Content Cleaner
Hi cosborne,
Unfortunately Windows 8 and 8.1 are not fully supported on LabVIEW 2013 yet. It sounds like there is a driver issue going on. Is there any way you can put Windows 7 on your tablets?
Tom Niewiara
Applications Engineer
National Instruments
02-25-2014 11:04 AM
You can also make your own touchscreen using "mouse up" events and numeric/keyboard pop-ups. Since we go back and forth between touch screen and non-touch screen we need a way to menu drive if we want touch screen support or not. There are VIs located somewhere on the website (forums or idea exchange) that can do exactly that. It may be the workaround you need to continue application development and have it compatible with all versions of windows. If you are really interested I might be able to find the old post.