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Web publish tool for slide tab

I have LabView program that has several tabs like below :
Picture 1
I'm using web publish tool (monitoring mode) to allow monitoring my app via browser.
But web publish tool mechanism is take a picture of LabView program, then send it to Web.
So that from my web browser, I can not move to other tabs

Picture 2
Any solution to this problem?

Thank you.

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Message 1 of 10



We have a great article that goes into detail about the possibilities and constraints of using the web server to control the front panel in LabVIEW.  I would take a look at this and make sure you are properly configuring everything to allow proper control of your front panel.  I do not see any reason you would not be able to switch between tabs in LabVIEW unless you do not have control to edit anything on the front panel at all, which I believe might be the case.  Hope this helps!


Viewing and Controlling Front Panels Remotely with the Web Server

Applications Engineering
National Instruments
Message 2 of 10

I appreciated your assistance,
But this's not what i need.
I just wanna monitoring my application via web browser for many users. No control, no run-time environment.

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Message 3 of 10


Simple basic way is

In VI go to Tools-->Web Publishing Tool-->Select VI(which you want to publish)-->In viewing mode click on Monitor-->Next--->Next-->Copy URL from URL path box-->Click on Start web server.

It works better if you have static ip where you are running VI.

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Message 4 of 10

You didn't get my point.
Everything is ok until your app have several tab. And you also want switch from this tab to another tab on web browser

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Message 5 of 10

I guess I am just a bit confused exactly what the issue is.  You mentioned that you just would like to monitor your front panel for multiple users with no ability to control the front panel, but you are also saying that you don't have the ability to switch between tabs on the front panel.  If you are only monitoring without the ability to control you will not be able to switch between tabs on the front panel unless you request control from LabVIEW.

Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 6 of 10

yes, its exactly what i need, switch between tab to monitor some graph.
My application already finished with so many tab.
And i want so many client monitoring it via smartphone, tablet, pc, laptop ...
Why not remote mode? You wanna your user installed labview enviroment? Of course they do not

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Message 7 of 10

The Monitor option displays an animated snapshot that updates continuously. Monitor does not allow you to interact with the controls of the VI from the browser so you cannot switch between tabs on your clients.  That functionality is only supported through the Embedded option which yes your clients will need to have the run-time engine installed to be able to switch between tabs on your front panel to view the different graphs.   


Applications Engineering
National Instruments
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Message 8 of 10

That's a reason why I'm here to find the solution for this problem
Thanks for your patient.

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Message 9 of 10

Unfortunately the only way to be able to view the graphs individually using Monitoring Mode is if you had them all view-able at one time on the front panel, since the user will not be able to click through those tabs to change the view.

Applications Engineering
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10