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Two "Wait for Notification" with single Notifyer?

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I feel like I should know this answer, but my code was buggy when I did this.


Can you have multiple "Wait for Notification" VIs attached to the same Notifyer?


The help seems to suggest that Notifiers are only for two independent loops:


Notifiers are a tool for communicating between two independent parts of a block diagram or between two VIs running on the same machine.

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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author hecmar.arreola

Can you have multiple "Wait for Notification" VIs attached to the same Notifier?


Yes 😄


See the Notifier Demultiplexer example.


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Message 2 of 3
(2,416 Views) bug must have been related to something else then...

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Message 3 of 3