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Solidworks model mating issue in 3D Picture control

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I have been following example of LQR and linear inverted pendulum ...where we can import Solidworks model in Labview and have our own control.....


I made SCARA and I am being able to access individual part ...however I still have some mating issues with individual part....


Please have a look at VI I have attached and see how Arm1, Arm2 and ZArm doesnot follow Parent Child relationship. Smiley Sad 


As I have leaned andgot help from forums.....I will get it this time too ....Smiley Happy


Thanks in advance.....

Thanks & Regards,
Kunal Raithatha.
CTD - CLAD (I wish I can take off that A, and maybe use it later to replace D 🙂

Easy Tip :- "To copy an image to a VI icon, drag the image file and place it on the icon
located in the upper right corner of the front panel or block diagram" ...If you know any
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Message 1 of 16

It is very unclear what your goal is here.  What parent/child relationship are you hoping for?  Does this relationship need to be set in Solidworks?  Please provide more information about what you are trying to accomplish.  Thanks.

Zach C.
Field Engineer
Greater Los Angeles

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Message 2 of 16

My Goal is to see SCARA robot arms moving in a manner it is suppose to be ....Honestly I have no idea where I am making a mistake ...either in Soldworks or LabVIEW.


I hope you have run my VI and seen Arm 1 and Amr 2 are seperated when given an angle....


By the way Thanks for your help

Thanks & Regards,
Kunal Raithatha.
CTD - CLAD (I wish I can take off that A, and maybe use it later to replace D 🙂

Easy Tip :- "To copy an image to a VI icon, drag the image file and place it on the icon
located in the upper right corner of the front panel or block diagram" ...If you know any
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Message 3 of 16



you have two options here:

1. Change the VRML file to actually have the hierarchy in there and just call by names. This is the easiest from the programming point and I think your code should be good for this approach

2. Build the hierarchy and models inside. For the second one, then you would have to do the following:

    a. Load the models in memory, and get the reference to each one by name. You did that already in your code.

    b, translate the center of rotation of each part to coincide with axis of rotation you will be using later. In 3D world, you need to rotate before translate

    c. create the hierarchy of the model. To do that, you have to get the object reference cascaded to the next object.


Let me know if that works for you...

Barp - Control, Simulation, RTT and HIL - National Instruments
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Message 4 of 16

Hello Barp


I tried to figure out but could not get result. I also have attched new Solidworks VRML file with this.


1. Can you please read it for me and let me know What is missing. Basically I wanted to know how (where exactly) do u read that relationship in VRML   text file.


2. In Option 2 about giving that offset will not Translate that particular complete object ????


3. If I have independent siblings one only translates and other only Rotates with Translation and Rotation of Parent respectively is it possible ??? 


I have whole assebly line up to Animate and I am struggling with this Basics.I hope my questions are not annoying.


Thanks, waiitng for your and others reply









Thanks & Regards,
Kunal Raithatha.
CTD - CLAD (I wish I can take off that A, and maybe use it later to replace D 🙂

Easy Tip :- "To copy an image to a VI icon, drag the image file and place it on the icon
located in the upper right corner of the front panel or block diagram" ...If you know any
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Message 5 of 16

2b, translate the center of rotation of each part to coincide with axis of rotation you will be using later.


How ??? If I place Translate Object.VI before set rotation ....complete part is moving out of scene be cause of while loop.


Smiley Sad

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 16

Zach and others


Here are all my files, let me know if there are any issues.


Smiley Sad

Thanks & Regards,
Kunal Raithatha.
CTD - CLAD (I wish I can take off that A, and maybe use it later to replace D 🙂

Easy Tip :- "To copy an image to a VI icon, drag the image file and place it on the icon
located in the upper right corner of the front panel or block diagram" ...If you know any
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Message 7 of 16



This issue is being looked at.  Thanks for your patience.

Zach C.
Field Engineer
Greater Los Angeles

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 16
Accepted by topic author VirtualWorld

For anyone else's benefit, this topic has been solved on another site.

Zach C.
Field Engineer
Greater Los Angeles

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 16

Hello Vugie and Zach ...Few more favors plzzz

Is there a way I can focus and zoom in zoom out particular portion of the scene, I can do it along Z axis but it will zoom whole scene. I guess Camera Control setting but not getting how to do it.


1. When I RUN a vi, change camera (spherical) position and STOP a vi, next time I run my vi scene display shows last Camera position, Is there a way that for every new RUN of a program Scene Display erases old image and starts over again. Looks like re initializing Camera Position.

2. Scene in Continuous loop and Camera Controller >> Spherical. Scene display gives kind of broken and flashy display while changing camera position using mouse.

3. If I translate any object and again translate-rotate to change center of rotation, isn't it Total translation and then rotation.

4. When I plan to show stretch/compress from one end, it will be again translating object half a distance similar to Pivot ???

Is there any easy way to find Translation you apply to move your center of rotation, I waste lot of time when I import someone's vrml model, its lot easy if I make my own using 3D geometries at least I know half a distance to move.

Also see another method I am trying in which I have all 3 objects imported as a separate vrml and I called via one vrml.  I tried different translate-rotate combination but nothings working out :wacko:

Thanks in Advance

Thanks & Regards,
Kunal Raithatha.
CTD - CLAD (I wish I can take off that A, and maybe use it later to replace D 🙂

Easy Tip :- "To copy an image to a VI icon, drag the image file and place it on the icon
located in the upper right corner of the front panel or block diagram" ...If you know any
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Message 10 of 16