If it's a subVI it doesn't make much sense to put a while loop since execution of this subVI is being controlled by your main program. My comment about the while loop was based on the presumption that this was a top-level VI that you were testing and that you were using the continuous run button.
altenbach's statement about the SGL/DBL has to do with the fact that the outputs of the formula node generate DBL data types. At the for-loop boundary you get an array of DBL, which gets coerced down to an array of SGL. That's why there's dots at the left of the indicator's terminal. If you were to change your formula node to this:
float32 VTC;
float32 phslope=(pH2-pH1)/(VB2-VB1);
float32 phoffset=pH1-(phslope*VB1);
float32 currentph=VTC*phslope+phoffset;
then the formula node would output SGL. You would need to insert a "To Single Precision Float" from the Numeric->Conversion palette at the output of the FP Read to make that an SGL so that everything is SGL.
As far as the memory issue is concerned, why do you believe the problem is with this subVI? Aside from my previous comment about the FP Read, I don't see it as being here, and without seeing the higher-level code, I don't know what else to say.