Thank you to all who have left their valuable comments on this topic.
Here is the update. I have structured the main vi only to run the front panel and coordinate the data flow between subvi's. All the calculations, PID control and file writing is done by different subvi's. I've made sure that each sub-vi only has one function: such as data logging, pH calculations, time period calculations, etc. But the pesky problem persists, when i run the main vi the memory usage as shown in the Windows Task Manager keeps going up and up. Sometimes it goes up by only 4kb/sec and sometimes as much as 500kb/sec. In addition, i have noticed that Labview racks up Page Faults in the order of 8-10 million after running for 24 hours. The number of Page Faults can also be seen in the Windows Task Manager.
I have asked my manager for permission to post the project, but since it is proprietary program I am not allowed. But i can provide more information, such as:
1) for the sake of space saving the main VI i am using Tab control to fit a large number of controls on a single screen.
2) the data from the controls is then put into arrays and passed into various subvi's.
3) once the subvi's are done the data is take out of the arrays and displayed in the indicators/controls.
4)the main vi runs in a while loop now, previously it was a timed while loop at about 30ms
5)some subvi's have "Elapsed Time" vi's that are there to control the amount of time the heater and air injectors are on.
I would be more than happy to provide any more information.
Thank you for your input.
Ivan R.
Message Edited by Ivan R on 07-16-2007 03:30 PM