09-23-2010 04:34 PM
Hi guys, this is exactly I have to do, and have no ideal how to do.
It will be greatly appreciated if you can offer help on this.
I don't have a problem putting it into and pulling it out fo the database, it is really the jpg-> binary, and binary->display part that I need help on.
Btw, I am currently using "draw Flatten PixMap.VI" to display a picture in labview, from a jpg file. Can I still use this VI to achieve what I intend to do?
09-24-2010 04:13 AM
Have you tried this:
Saving a binary file to a database with the Database Connectivity Toolset
09-26-2010 03:49 PM
Thanx Adnan, this solves the uplodaing /downloading part.
But how do we convert a binary back to a picture?