I tried to build a trigger that fires a True value every 1000 miliseconds(starting from the first True );
that True commands the case structure to sample a value from the randomNrGen and place it in an array;
but I would like to USE that array and I cannot do that beacause I cannot get it out of the case structure.
the while loop skips samples; if you run the vi and look at the rate at which the array is filling, ypu notice it is not periodical: the first few elements are inserted at 1 second intervals but then it skips one;
could it be because of the 1ms waiting time?
1-How can I create a structure that does this:
IF it receives True, it samples a value from the random Gen. and puts it in the array
ELSE it does NOTHING, no zeros sent out to the array just wait for the next True and only the values sampled at True remain in the array?
2-How can I prevent it from skipping samples (multiples of 1000 in my case)?
In conclusion: I need to be able to take the samples out of the sample generator and store them in a 3d array in a zig-zag manner (1.jpg) but to even think about that, we need to get past the two issues stated above.
Please ignore the counter.
Please help me!