04-20-2023 01:56 PM
Hopefully, your front panel is not maximized to the monitor
Is there a way to chek that? And if that is the case and is maxiized, is there a way to undo it. A tsome point in the project I think I clicked "Fit control to pane" or "Scale objet with pane" at the tab control and the scroll bars disappeared. Is that the problem? Is there a way to revert it?
Sorry for all the questions, but i really don´t know in where the error could be, besides the use of a tab control for the program, of course
04-20-2023 03:36 PM
Sorry, I don't have a wall size monitor so I cannot efficiently look at your code or front panel. From what I can see, this is not maintainable.
You said you are "new to LabVIEW", so I assume that you did not write this monstrosity. Do you know who did? Maybe you should contact the original programmer (I am using the term "programmer" very (very!!!) loosely here!)
Do some tutorials and create a modular state machine instead of an wall of code! Alternatively, hire a programmer.
(Everything is set to scale, so you might want to start over from scratch)
04-21-2023 02:38 AM
@d_hunter13 wrote:
and now there is no turning back.
Well, there's no going forward either.
Even the navigation window get confused:
Here's a fragment showing the corruption of the VI (in the north-east corner, ~80%,~80%) :
It's a time bomb. Salvage what you can.
04-21-2023 03:37 AM
Could I use your VI as an example for a search tool I'm making?
I'm not sure if I formally need to get permission (as you posted it here publicly), but I won't use it without consent.
If I can use it, do you want a mention or not?