05-07-2009 09:22 AM
05-07-2009 09:32 AM
The job ist to caracterise the spectrum of an vibrating object so that
the program could recognize the vibrating object (per comparison with the
library's specimens) if connected, an I was thinking we could save the max peck frequency and Power Spetrum
(here Max Peaksfrequenz and Max Peaksleistung).
So my question, which is the best way doing this?
Lauvia (LV 7.1; 8.5)
05-18-2009 07:45 AM
HEy Coq Rouge,
I've solved the problem with Frequency and Peak.
But I have a new one.
I would like to scan a directory and read all the files contained .
I did something but it doesn't work (see attachments and use the zip-file als directory)
Do you (or anybody has) have any idea?
LV 7.1; 8.5
05-19-2009 06:16 AM
Hmmm Sorry one of the files was the wrong.
Here the rigth (untitled 2.vi).
Thanks for your answer.
Best regard,
LV 7.1; 8.5
05-20-2009 12:15 PM
Hello Guys,
I've solved my problem!