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OPC Server PLC


I am doing right now the tutorial from NI " Connect LabVIEW to Any PLC Using OPC". And the first capital was everything richt, "View Existing PLC Tags with NI OPC Servers 2012".



But in the second capital "Connect LabVIEW to OPC Tags by Creating an I/O Server" I can't get the picture as the 4. step "Select OPC Client in the Create New I/O Server Window and click Continue. ".




The problem is, there is no option for "National Instruments.NIOPCServers.V5" to choose by me. How can I get the pic as the tutorial?? Why I can't get the "configure OPC Client I/O setup" menu??

OPC_Server_LabVIEW Help_2014-01-17_16-08-47.png



My system:

LV 2012,  Win7, 


Does somebody know the problem?? 


Thanks a lot!



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Message 1 of 10


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Message 2 of 10

NO one knows about it?

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

Do you see the OPC Server in the distributed system manager?

Is your NI OPC Server running? There should be an icon in the tray, where you can configure it.


Best regards



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Message 4 of 10

There is no OPC Server in mein DSMSmiley Indifferent 

But Why?????





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Message 5 of 10

Basically that means, your OPC server is either not installed or not running. Please open the OPC Server Configuration Tool. In your taskbar there should be a symbol OPC UA Server. Right click on it and choose start runtime service.You can also use that tool to configure endpoints trusted clients etc.

Also note the OPC Quick client, which basically is the same as the DSM. In here you should also be able to add the NI OPC Server.

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Message 6 of 10

But I think my OPC Server is running, the tool OPC Quick Client can connect to server "National Instruments.NIOPCServers.V5", it is also showed in the Pic.


And I have fund a VI "C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2011\vi.lib\variable\tagger\opcClient\", this VI can find the "National Instruments.NIOPCServers.V5". But NI-DSM cant find it.


I am confused~~~Smiley Frustrated

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Message 7 of 10

Ok, which way are you connecting to LabVIEW? Are you using ni "datalogging and supervisory control" Modul, or are you using datasocket? You only can connect serverIO via DSC Modul. I just removed it on my pc, and got the same feature as you have.

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Message 8 of 10

Yeah, Datalogging and Supervisory Control module should be installed if you want to use it as IO server.

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Message 9 of 10





I have installed the DSC module in my Computer, but never used.

So I will reinstall this module, and hope, it works.

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Message 10 of 10