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NI USB-8451 SPI clock release

Is it possible to release the SPI clock signal so it reamins high immediately after sending data on the SDO line? Currently, SCLK is held low for a significant period of time after transmission of the final data bit before it is released to a logic high state. Is there a way to configure this? Is there also a way to configure DIO signals independent of the SPI using scripting?

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Hi John,


I believe you are referring to the clock polarity and phase.


Where Can I Find More Information About the SPI Clock in a USB-8451?


The information is found here in the NI-845x Hardware and Software Manual:


Additionally, beyond using SPI scripting, we can use the basic SPI and basic DIO examples installed with the 845x driver in Help > Find Examples.

Joey S.
Senior Product Manager, Software
National Instruments
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