11-05-2018 03:40 PM
Is LabView 2014SP1 available for download anywhere from NI, I've looked and can't seem to find it.
11-05-2018 03:45 PM
11-05-2018 03:53 PM
Is there actually a link to download the installer on that page? All I've found a registration links (which is currently down) and links to the newest generations of Labview
11-05-2018 04:06 PM
Make sure you are logged in and you will see this:
Click the "I am a current user..." and it will start downloading.
11-06-2018 03:43 PM
And the link to "register your serial number" or "renew your SSP" doesn't work.
I guess I'm going to have to give them a call
11-06-2018 03:48 PM