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Labview FPGA Compiler Settings for FlexRIO

Hi All


Im  trying to locate the compiler settings so I can set my own constraints for my 7965R Flex Rio.


Im using SP! of Labview/FPGA and RIO 3.6


I read that in labview 2010 its in the options under "Build Options" but I cannot find the Xilinx settings.


Any help will be appreciated



Ronny Veljanovski
Project Manager
Monash Node of CRCBID Ltd
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 3

Hi Ronny,


Please reference the link below. While it doesn't directly relate to your issue, it should point you to the location where you can update the Xilinx compiler settings.

Kareem W.
National Instruments
Web Product Manager
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Hi Ronny,


After do a little more research on the topic, I just found out the following:

You can't set the compiler settings for FlexRIO, which is why they don't show up in the build options as they would for other FPGA targets. The reason for this is that FlexRIO FPGA code is usually run at a much higher speed and needs specific compiling options to make sure it operates correctly. Thus, we have fixed compiler options for FlexRIO.

Kareem W.
National Instruments
Web Product Manager
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 3